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Privacy Policy

CloudRaker (“CloudRaker” or “we”) attaches great importance to your privacy and is committed to the protection of your personal information. We are committed to protecting the personal information collected when you use the website (the “Website”), when you communicate with us and when we render our brand experience services and will use this information only for the purposes for which it was collected.This privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”) addresses the collection, use and storage of personal information obtained by CloudRaker when we render our brand experience services and the personal information we obtain from or about visitors when they access or use the Website and when they communicate with us, whether it be by email, by telephone, via social media or other.

By accessing the Website or by otherwise providing us with your personal information, you consent to the collection, use, disclosure and retention of your personal information under the conditions described in this Policy.

1. Scope and application

The term “Personal Information” refers to any information that, taken alone or in combination with other information, can identify an individual, for example their name, date of birth, email address and any other information that should be treated as “personal information” in accordance with applicable law.

CloudRaker reserves the right to change the terms of this Privacy Policy at any time without prior notice. The latest version of the Privacy Policy is available on the Website and its effective date is indicated in the Privacy Policy. If changes are made to the Privacy Policy that materially affect the privacy risk, you will be notified by means of a notice published on the home page of our Website or we will communicate with you to inform you of the changes, when required by law. By continuing to use the Website after the modified version of the Privacy Policy has been posted, you are accepting the changes to the policy. We recommend that you regularly review the latest version of this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy is an integral part of the Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website, which governs your use of the Website.

2. Why we collect information

Personal information is notably collected and used for the following purposes:

  • To render our brand experience services
  • To enable users to access and use the Website properly
  • To create and manage client relations, including as part of requests for proposals
  • To process user and client requests, such as inquiries
  • To allow users to apply for a posted position
  • To address problems reported to us by users, particularly for troubleshooting, support, optimization, reviewing Website security breaches and restoring lost data
  • To evaluate, optimize and improve the content and features of the Website
  • To communicate with you regarding a request you made or your experience with our services, products or Website
  • To provide you with advertising content and improve the content of our advertisements and Website so that they are more tailored and relevant to the public; for more information on this practice, please consult the section of this Privacy Policy regarding Cookies
  • Any other use you have authorized

We use personal information only for the purposes for which it is collected.

3. The information we collect

CloudRaker may collect and process different types of personal information as part of our activities, when rendering our services and when you access the Website and use it, including, as the case may be:

  • Identifiable information such as your full name, date of birth or any other details on government-issued identification
  • Contact details, like your postal address, email address, and phone number
  • Financial information, such as billing address, banking details, or payment data
  • Information about Website usage and other technical details; for more information on this practice, please consult the section of this Privacy Policy regarding Cookies

If, in the course of your business relationship with us, you need to provide us with personal information about third parties (for example, family members, clients, employees, etc.), you declare and acknowledge that you have obtained their consent for such communication.

4. How information is stored and disclosed

CloudRaker stores personal information for a reasonable period of time to provide you with proper access to the Website, to render our brand experience services, to fully respond to your requests or to fulfill stated purposes, or in accordance with the law, whichever period is longer. After this period, we ensure that the personal information is destroyed to protect it from unauthorized access or disclosure.

Only authorized, relevant staff members may access the data when necessary for the performance of their service-related duties and in accordance with the purposes stated in this privacy policy, subject to the following paragraph.

We never disclose your personal information to anyone outside CloudRaker without your consent, except to the following third parties and only if they have implemented appropriate security safeguards to ensure at least the same level of security as we do.

Our suppliers whose services have been retained to perform certain functions on our behalf (e.g., data processing and storage, quality of service analysis, tracking and management of job applications and recruiting, etc.). In such cases, we take the necessary steps to ensure that these third parties have access only to the information that is necessary to carry out the agreed services, that they process your information only for the purposes we have specified and that they have personal information protection measures in place that comply with applicable laws and respect the same conditions and level of protection as set out in this Privacy Policy.

Any entity resulting from a merger, corporate reorganization or change of control of CloudRaker, in whole or in part, only if the parties have signed an agreement stipulating that the collection, use and disclosure of the information is limited to the objectives of the business transaction.

Any public authority if required by law, or to defend our rights, or otherwise in accordance with the law. If CloudRaker is required to disclose information or provide a copy of such information to a government agency in accordance with law or court order, CloudRaker will attempt to give you prior notice to the extent permitted by law.

5. Hyperlink and third parties

The Website may contain sharing or posting options, or links to third-party websites or platforms. By using or activating these links or features, you are leaving the Website and your browsing becomes subject to the terms and conditions and privacy policies of such third parties. We have no control over these third-party platforms and the fact that these platforms are listed on the Website does not render us liable in any way.

6. Cookies

We use cookies and similar technologies on the Website to enhance its performance and personalize the content presented to you. In this Policy, we use the term “cookie” to refer to all similar files that collect information for these purposes.

What is a cookie?

Cookies are small text files stored on your computer, tablet, or mobile device when you visit a website or page for the first time. These files help retain certain information about your use of the website, such as the date of your last visit, pages viewed and files downloaded. Cookies are used to adapt websites to better meet the interests and preferences of users.

Cookies We Use

Essential Cookies

These cookies are essential for the Website’s operation and cannot be disabled. They are usually created in response to your actions or requests, such as filling out a form. You can configure your browser to block these cookies or be alerted to their existence, but some parts of the Website may then be inaccessible to you.

Analytical Cookies

These cookies allow us to analyze navigation on our sites to improve their operation. We use third-party tools such as Google Analytics to understand how users use the Website, analyze traffic on the Website, and compile anonymous analytical data. If you do not wish to transmit information to Google Analytics, you can choose to disable the use of your data by using the browser add-on for Google Analytics deactivation. For more information regarding Google Analytics and how this third party processes and manages your personal information, you can consult the privacy policy available on Google's website.

7. Security and storage

All data is stored on servers with high-level security standards and is protected against improper use and access by unauthorized persons. We strive to maintain the necessary physical, administrative and technical security measures in place at our offices and data storage centres. The information is only made available to individuals (employees or agents) who need access to the information in order to carry out their duties.

CloudRaker uses reasonable means to protect personal information received when you use the Website. More specifically, CloudRaker uses technical and organizational measures to protect your personal information from loss or theft, as well as from unauthorized access and disclosure, both internally and externally to our organization. However, no security mechanism is perfect, and you should be aware that there is always a risk of a security breach. CloudRaker disclaims any liability should any such information about you be disclosed, except in the event of negligence on the part of CloudRaker.

The data collected could be stored on servers located outside of Quebec and could be processed by third-party service providers of CloudRaker located outside of Quebec to enable them to carry out work on behalf of CloudRaker. In the latter case, CloudRaker takes steps to ensure that such third parties are bound by appropriate guarantees.

8. Your rights

You have the right to know the purpose for which CloudRaker collects and processes your personal information, as well as the right to access, update and correct such information. You may withdraw your consent to CloudRaker’s use and storage of your personal information at any time. In such a case, however, you may no longer be able to use certain features of the Website or receive certain services.

9. Contact us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, access to your personal information, CloudRaker’s collection, use and disclosure of personal information, how you can exercise your rights as set out above, or to make a complaint or update your personal information, please contact our Privacy Officer: 

By email: [email protected]

By mail: CloudRaker, Attn: Privacy Officer, 1435 St-Alexandre, Suite 700, Montreal, QC H3A 2G4

We will make every effort to handle your request promptly.

Last update: July 10, 2024

